Enjoy the school play, "A Christmas Carol" and the Christmas holiday, but most importantly, enjoy the long 7-week Winter Break from school. See you in January!
Enjoy the school play, "A Christmas Carol" and the Christmas holiday, but most importantly, enjoy the long 7-week Winter Break from school. See you in January!
Welcome back to school, HCHC students! We hope you enjoyed the winter holidays and the long respite from school. Now it's time to get back in the saddle and enjoy […]
FOR: Odyssey of the Mind Co-op Students ------ We will have access to a television monitor. Come out and get the extra practice time that you need each Sunday leading […]
The Shadow Day program gives prospective students a glimpse into the life of a co-op student at HCHC’s Leadership Academy. Spend half the day attending (2) different co-op enrichment classes […]